Before talking about it, let us start with its name which is “Chat GPT”, It is made up of two words, Chat (talking on apps through messaging )+GPT (Generative pre-trained transformer). It is an AI-powered chat box developed by the opener, which uses its deep learning technology to understand and respond like humans. It is an application that can use for multiple purposes and can give excellent results /answers. It's a natural processing tool that creates content, images, and Codes too on demand through conversation with a chat box. Because of its nature and advancement, this application had more than 1 million followers in just five days.

Before discussing its pros and cons I would like to say it’s we who make anything good or bad,

useless or useful. And etc.

For eg., A person is having a dream of opening a company, but because of a lack of resources, he’s unable to do so. For opening a company, he has to take interview people, has to hire them, and have to pay the employees. If her uses chat GPT, most of his issues can be solved. Let us see how:-



What is chatgpt and its advantages and disadvantages in 2023


Advantages of Chat GPT:

As we read, it has various advantages of using chat GPT. It is the best application made by AI. Let us see its benefits in different sectors -:

1). Sales-

Regarding sales, chat GPT can suggest how the product is, and what type of changes and advancement a company can do to do betterment in their products. It suggests engaging in more interaction with the sales team to make more excel plans for sales. Even it suggests answering more nicely to customers to make a permanent bond with the company and customers.

).Marketing -

Chat GPT can provide official marketing strategies to engage buyers. It can help entrepreneurs to boost their marketing products. It suggests various options for advertisements of the product and to promote it too.

3). Bloggers and content creators -:

This application can give efficient content for writers and bloggers according to their needs and the requirements of topics. As I was too doubtful about it and I give it a try so here is the result.

What is chatgpt and its advantages and disadvantages in 2023

4). Customer support services-: Chat an email and answer the customers according to their queries and issues. It can answer nicely as a human can. This AI can understand the issue and think about possible results and suggest to the customer the best answer it can. Even many companies nowadays are using AI and Chatgpt for customer support services.

Customers become satisfied with the intelligence of the answers they get.

5). Programming -:

If we talk about websites and programming languages, we can answer lots of programming languages and make websites.



As we saw there is a lot of work that an AI-made Chat GPT can do and can solve so many issues of a human in several other ways.

But as everything has its cons too. Let us study where Chat GPT can lack behind.

What is chatgpt and its advantages and disadvantages in 2023

Disadvantages of Chat Gpt -:

1). Limited knowledge-:

As we know it can talk like humans and can answer various topics, but somehow its knowledge is limited. It cannot answer personalized problems.

Somehow this application can’t handle complex situations. In these situations, a customer trusts on

human than an application.

2). Limiting minds -:

As we are seeing this application as a solution to our many problems and removing our burden by giving tasks to these applications. The same Students are doing this. They do their homework and projects from this application and are limiting their intellectual ability. Which is really unpleasant.

3). Irrelevant information:

As it is just a tool, it can give wrong answers sometimes and can give irrelevant answers too. Through this, a person can be unsatisfied with the company and places where it is used as a Customer care service. Because of this trust can be removed from the company.

4). Limited and summarized answers :

This just provides summarised answers to any problem or task. I cannot explain it more. Sometimes it is unable to give suitable suggestions for any task. These are some situations where it lacks and can’t replace a human.

Chatgpt is an application to talk and give suggestions like humans, can understand everything and every situation, and even can replace humans in work. But some situations are there where it can’t be replaced by humans. Although, it’s a fantastic application to minimize the burden on humans.