So hello guys today you will get the full right accurate answer to the quiz which of the following can be done via amazon pay UPI. There is the full absolute right answer of the amazon pay quiz and if you like and this answer is helped you then explore more blog content and read more

AMAZON PAY QUIZ - which of the following can be done via amazon pay upi?

AMAZON PAY QUIZ - which of the following can be done via amazon pay UPI?

Q.1 Which of the following can be done via Amazon Pay UPI?

Answer: All of the above

Q.2 Where does money gets credited when you send money through Amazon Pay UPI to another UPI handle?

Answer: Bank account linked to receiver’s UPI handle

Q.3 Which of the below is needed to pay anyone via Amazon Pay UPI?

Answer: UPI PIN

Q.4 For a gas cylinder booked on Amazon where would you receive the delivery from the distributor?

Answer: At your doorstep

Q.5 Which of the following insurance premiums can be paid on Amazon?

Answer: All of these