Hi guys, There are according to PM Narendra Modi and there is all India's lockdown opening and now there are opening some services in India like buses and trains and so many services are opening and there are the most of people are bored in their living to homes and there are the most of the trains services are opening in 3rd June 2020 and there are above 10 trains are running to Jaipur and up to 200 trains running in whole India
Starting up to 200 trains above 10 trains are passing

So the travelers are take attention to it and there are running about 200 trains in India In Jaipur up to 10 trains are running and 5 trains are coming and 5 trains are going. and there are on the 1st day there is only 1 train is started There are Jaipur to Jodhpur special train are running.

There are some things are prevention is doing by the passengers and all passengers should be gone and come to the different entry gates there every passenger should maintain social distancing.

There are from entry gate to the railway platform makes their social distancing chalk rounds are created. there is only a single gate for entry and another side there are two gates for an exit. there are passenger should come before an 1 and a half on a railway platform because they do three proper thermal screening and 

There are 02308 Jodhpur to havda train  is starting on 3rd June this train is reach Jaipur at 1.50 AM and 2.05 AM gone to havda 

02464 Jodhpur serai starting from 2 June In the night 12.15 AM reached Jaipur and 12.25 AM gone to Delhi 

02463 Jodhpur Sarai is started on 3 June in night 3.05 reached Jaipur and 3.15 gone to Jodhpur 

There are most of the trains are started on 2nd June 2020

Thanks for reading