Since a large portion of the world could without much of a stretch wind up looking like Venezuela around this time one year from now. Hold on for me.

The passing rate from the virus itself is just a hint of something larger. The worldwide far-reaching influence from the measures taken to forestall it — or to overlook it — could be the most stunning thing you're ever going to find in your life.

Interestingly, both of the options we face right presently will be horrendous. We urgently need an Option C.

Option A: let this thing go on unchecked. Let it tear through the old and the wiped out populaces, murder a great many them around the world, and afterward consume itself out like the Spanish flu completed 100 years prior. Terrifying? Savage? Better believe it, completely. Especially when you consider that emergency clinics and human services frameworks will just be pounded and people will kick the bucket of different things, on the grounds that there's no space and assets to deal with you when you come in with a cardiovascular failure or Stage 1 malignant growth.

Option B: in the demonstration of containing the virus, we'll abandon each economy on earth. Boycott all traveler flights. Close every outskirt. Gut tourism and administration businesses. Face 25% joblessness (or more in certain pieces of the world). What's more, in the demonstration of doing as such, crush the vocations of a huge number of people, in this way driving them into potential starvation. (I'm less taking a gander at the United States or Europe here, where I don't generally fear this situation. I'm taking a gander at parts of the world that were intensely reliant on tourism and different things. It's basically incomprehensible that those countries will maintain a strategic distance from the far-reaching influences of the U.S. economy, for instance, going down the crapper.)
If the coronavirus has an 80% recovery rate, then it will safe or not?

We're at present picking Option B — for completely justifiable reasons. Be that as it may, how about we air out Option B somewhat further and see what may be in this horrendous Pandora's crate. It's completely dreary.

I rehash: toward the stopping point on Option B, the greater part of the world might look like Venezuela. Except if COVID-19 is totally, completely devastated in the "created world," when (or if) Colombia, Mexico, Vietnam, and entire mainlands like Africa are compelled to re-open their outskirts to get urgently required tourism dollars —

or so far as that is concerned, Peace Corps volunteers, who were just emptied from every one of their posts — even solitary case dangers tainting/re-contaminating populaces in Europe, China and the U.S. (Taking into account that COVID-19 is as of now in the creating world, they're most likely going to be experiencing mass diseases, in any case.)

The wealthier countries of the world can presumably take out this disease at some point this year. Be that as it may, in different countries are experiencing huge scope diseases, and if there's no vaccine, those carrier courses aren't going to re-open at zero hazards. Furthermore, the danger of re-contaminating countries like Italy by one visitor going to the tropics and back is just too great.[1]

More then likely, a vaccine will be created. If not, and the virus waits on in certain pieces of the world, global fringes would need to be closed basically for all time (or if nothing else we'll have thorough, genuine wellbeing checks before intersection one).

 The financial effect of an opportunity of movement evaporating will be past destroying. A definitive loss of life joined with the danger of social and human services breakdown as economies self-destruct in the more unfortunate pieces of the world may be far more terrible than letting this virus take out a lot of elderly individuals people at the present time. On the off chance that you contrast it with a timberland fire, the virus will "lose fuel."

I was in Cartagena, Colombia a month ago. It was clamoring with voyagers, whom its economy totally relies upon. I read a Colombian paper at the beginning of today. Cartagena, alongside urban areas like Santa Marta, is in an extremely terrible circumstance: not from the virus itself (yet), yet from the severe monetary effect brought about via fixing the outskirt and cutting off tourism.

There are now some little uproars in Santa Marta. What shields them from getting greater? Very little. People who got by from tourism are truly scared.[2][3]

Colombia, twenty years prior, was a pretty spoiled spot, yet that was pivoting affected by traveler dollars. In a direct outcome imaginable, without a vaccine, Colombia and numerous countries like it should just seek after an enormous tropical storm to wipe each inn into the Caribbean,

since they'll be useless. Europeans and Americans won't go to a nation with a huge coronavirus disease. A huge number of Colombian employments will vanish. Furthermore, this is just one nation.

On the off chance that the economies of the United States, Europe, and China completely go down the can, it is totally conceivable that Venezuela is the eventual fate of the greater part of the world. Come to an obvious conclusion. Picture what sort of social and political instability could come to fruition in that situation.

Terrible to consider, yet people may need to ask whether Option An (a great many passings in the following 4–5 months) is really more regrettable than Option B and all Option B will carry with it.

Make the goddamn vaccine. Whoever develops that vaccine will be the best saint of the 21st century. (Ideally, it'll be a lady. Be that as it may, sincerely I couldn't care less if it's a three-toed jackalope with tits on its can.)

This isn't "publicity," bud. Rate savvy, presumably 97–99% of people will endure the real virus. Be that as it may, what befalls social orders the world over so as to keep the other 1–3% from biting the dust may be the sparkle that devastates the whole world as we probably are aware it.

What occurred in Australia and California as of late is a bloody admonition. In the event that fire concealment isn't a viable fire the board instrument, startlingly, the facts may confirm that smothering a worldwide virus is, in reality, more terrible than letting it take out 1–3% of the human populace.

Thanks for reading